Friday, May 14, 2010


Many people don't know that I can make minor variations to some figures if the uniform has changed little except for the color and some small details.

Here is a 1986 Cavaliers Snare Line based on the 1997 figure that I currently produce.

All you have to do is ask. Prices usually run about 10% - 20% higher due to the extra work involved!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Work in Process

Working on Cadet Contra players today. I'm always asked "How long does it take to paint one?" Well I never paint just one at a time. I am usually working on 20 to 25 at a time of the same figure. I am currently taking the time to do a time study of the amount of time it takes to paint "Just one" by dividing up the amount of time it takes to do a batch.

I will post the results when I am finished.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New Figures?

As many of my regular customers know I have been working on some new figures for a while. The problems that I encounter on a day to day basis in this endeavor are to many to catalog here. I will simply say that the span of control I have between England and now Russia is incredibly difficult.

Artists have their own time frames and problems. There is also master figures and production molds and all of that is before the first figure is cast!

Anyway, the next figures that you will see soon are a 1975 Madison Scouts marching Soprano, Mellophone, and Baritone. I am only waiting on the arms but it is taking a LONG time. I'm not sure what the problem is there.

I will also have a Crossmen "Bones" figure which is very nice.

Photos to follow.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Finally up and running!

Ok. I have finally mastered this blogging thing. So far. I will be updating all of the information about Drum Corps Miniatures, myself, what's in the works and anything else that catches my eye.

Keep checking back.